Full Body Workout For the week geared for strength training - 29/07/24 including squatting 140kg for 2 reps, benching, lat pull-downs and some accessory work.
Back Squat - 140kg x 3 (RPE-8)
Bench Press - 77.5kg x 6 x 3 (RPE-8)
Wide-grip Lat Pulldown - (6-8) x 6 x 3 (RPE-8)
Sliding Leg Curls - 12 x 2 (RPE-7)
Wall Slide - 15 x 3 (RPE-7)
Conventional Deadlift - 150kg x 1 (RPE-9)
Sumo Deadlift - 150kg x 2 (RPE-9)
Over head press - 45 x 8 x 3 (RPE-8)
Hack Squat - 60kg x 12 x 2 (RPE-6)
Seated Cable Row - 12 x 3 (RPE-9)
Preacher Curl - 15-20 x 3 (RPE-9)
Dumbbell isometric curl - 12 x 2 (RPE-9)
Hack Squat - 100kg x 8 x 2 (RPE-8)
Pause Bench Press - 90kg x 2 x 2 (RPE-9)
Weighted Neutral-grip pull-up - 6 x 4
Seated Leg Curl - 12 x 3 (RPE-8)
Prone Trap Raise - 15 x 3 (RPE-8)
Hanging Leg raise - 12 x 3
Sumo Deadlift - 160kg x 3 x 1 (AMRAM)
Dips - 10 x 3 (RPE-7)
Rows - 90kg x 10 x 3 (RPE-8)
Tricep Pushdown 3 x 10 (RPE-8)
Machine lateral raise - 12 x 3 (RPE-7)
Bicep Curl - 32.5 x 8 x 4 (RPE-9) Superset A
Triceps extensions - 4 x 15 (RPE-8) - Superset A
Machine Bicep Curl - 10 x 4 (RPE-8) - Superset B
Machine Lateral Raises - 12 x 4 (RPE-8) - Superset B
Calf Raises - 12 x 3 (RPE-9)
Leg Raises - 3 x 12 (RPE-8)
Decline Crunches - 3 x 12 (RPE-8)